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Keyless Entry Vehicle Theft on the Rise in the East

keyless entry vehicle key in vehicle interior

Suffolk constabulary have urged owners of vehicles that have keyless entry systems to be extra vigilant and take precautions following a spate of thefts across the East of England.

Keyless theft of a vehicle is a high tech crime. It occurs when criminals use a transmitter to amplify the signal being emitted from the genuine key inside the owner’s house to reach the vehicle outside. This allows it to be unlocked and driven away in seconds. 

The best way of preventing becoming a victim of this type of crime is to take secondary precautions to keep your key and your vehicle safe.

  • In the house, store keys away from accessible doors and windows, inside a Faraday bag or pouch. Anti-theft pouches are available on Amazon for less than a tenner. These protective cases are designed to block signals emitted by the key.
  • It is usually possible to disable the keyless entry function and exchange for a more secure system. Check your owner manual or seek advice from your local locksmith.
  • If your car is stored in a garage, ensure that all accesses to the outbuilding have secure locks fitted - and remember to use them!
  • If you cannot park the vehicle in a garage, park it on a well-lit drive or well-lit area as close to your property as possible.
  • This may seem extreme, but some owners like to fit physical security measures such as steering wheel locks or even wheel clamps. 
  • Always check your doors and windows of your home are secure before going to bed.

We can advise you on all aspects of car and van security. To find out more, give us a call on 01603 812613 or email

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